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Edition Filigranes Editions

Proche is one stage in a long-term project dealing with prisons in France, exploring incarceration policies focusing on absence and loss – without ever showing an actual prison but exposing what happens around them, the adjacent, residual and marginalized realities. Proche is a somewhat utopian artistic effort intended to bring detainees out of their isolation, examining the zones of contact between a city and a prison, its intermediary bodies, the gaps which reveal the fragile connections between prisoners and the society which has locked them up. Since 2016, Grégoire Korganow has explored the dreams of detainees, collected in written correspondence and read aloud by unknown individuals, and then filmed in “My familiar dream.” He photographed carceral “Peripheries,” spaces adjoining twenty new prisons in France, creating portraits of those close to detainees in Strasbourg, who were photographed leaving prison visiting booths, in a series entitled “The moment after.” The plastician looks at these separate states as specific bits of material, infinitesimal, partial components of a complex reality. Proche creates, gradually and collectively, portraits of some of these prisoners, technically invisible, but sketched in through their dreams, the layered feelings their absences evoke in others, and the geographical spaces that their isolation generates over the long term in the landscape.

Mélanie Roger

Price: 30€, link to buy the book : https://www.filigranes.com/livre/proche/